Information for Publishers

The largest meeting of its kind in the world!  Around 1500 delegates of the PSA and HSS from around the world will gather at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel in downtown Seattle, November 1-4, 2018. Attendees will include philosophers and historians of science and technology, scientists, sociologists, graduate students, archivists, librarians, government historians, and other professionals. Information about the Joint PSA/HSS Book Exhibit, PSA Program Ads, PSA Newsletter ads, PSA Delegate Packet Inserts, and Sponsorships can be found below. This information can also be found on our Publishers Brochure, which can be found here.  Click on the button below to place your order now. Information about ordering HSS Advertisements and Packet Inserts can be found at here.

Questions? Email, or call 410-455-2014.


Click to place your order 


Click to sumbit payment


 Click to sumbit your ad


Joint PSA/HSS Book Exhibit

The joint book exhibit will be held in a centrally located area of the conference hotel, the Sheraton Seattle Hotel. Part of the book exhibit will be inside a ballroom, and part will be in the pre-function area outside the ballroom. The pre-function area will get much more traffic and as such is considered a prime location. The cost for these prime location tables is $50 extra per table. These tables are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Around 1500 scholars from around the world will use this opportunity to meet with editors and to browse your display. Mid-morning and mid-afternoon coffee breaks will be set up in the exhibit area to encourage browsing, and both our Opening Reception and our Poster Forum Reception will be in the exhibit area.

Expected Attendance for Joint PSA/HSS Meeting: 1500

First Table: $350
Second Table: $300
Additional Tables (each): $250

Prime Location Tables: $50 additional per table, available on a first-come, first-served basis (see description above)

**Payment received by 1 July 2018 entitles you to a $15 discount per table!

**$100 late fee for table registration after 15 September 2018

Unattended tables may be arranged under special circumstances on a case-by-case basis. Please contact for additional information or questions about the book exhibit.


Collective Book Exhibit

If unable to send a representative, simply send your titles to the conference hotel to include in the Collective Book Exhibit. (Instructions will follow after placing order.)

Individual Titles (per title): $40

**Please note that books in the Collective Exhibit become the property of PSA.


PSA2018 Advertisements and Packet Inserts

**Order any 3 or more ads or packet inserts to receive a 20% discount. (For example, 2-page program ad + 1 Newsletter ad)

**Order by June 1 to receive a 15% discount.

Questions should be directed to

PSA2018 Program Advertisements

Advertisements will be included in the print version of the PSA2018 Program, the electronic version of the program, and the meeting app. The expected attendance for PSA2018 is 700.

Expected Attendance for PSA2018: 700

Interior Pages: $250/page
Inside Front or Inside Back Cover: $375

Print Ad Size: 4.5" wide x 7.5" tall (Ads must be a high-resolution pdf file.)

Booking Deadline: 15 September 2018

Copy Deadline: 1 October 2018

PSA2018 Conference Newsletter Advertisements

Posted on PSA website and sent electronically to over 2000 PSA members, meeting attendees, and email list subscribers. The dimensions are website width x height.

Full-column ad (700 x 500 pixels): $500
Half-column ad (300 x 300 pixels): $300

Booking Deadlines:

July Issue: 1 June 2018
October Issue: 1 September 2018

Copy Deadlines:

July Issue: 15 June 2018
October Issue: 1 September 2018

**Ads received by 15 June 2018 will appear in both issues.

PSA2018 Delegate Packet Inserts

Delegate Packet Inserts will be included in all PSA2018 Delegate Packets

Expected Attendance for PSA2018: 700

Inserts: $450/insert for inclusion in all PSA Delegate Packets

Booking Deadline: 25 October 2018


PSA2018 Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsoring coffee breaks and other events are a great way to promote your company and titles. Depending on the level of support, sponsors can receive promotional signage in prominent locations at the meeting; recognition in the meeting program, website, and at meeting functions; and other promotional opportunities.

Read more about sponsorship opportunities for PSA2018.

For questions about sponsorship opportunities, contact Dr. Jessica Pfeifer, PSA Executive Director, at, or call 410-455-2014. 


HSS Advertisements and Packet Inserts

To arrange for program advertisements or packet inserts for HSS please go to


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