Women’s Caucus Lunch

Saturday, November 3, from 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

Location: Metropolitan Ballroom B

You can buy your tickets for the lunch when you register for the conference or by clicking here. If you have already registered for the conference, please log into your account first before buying the ticket.

Women philosophers of science, allies, and feminists of all stripes are all welcome at this meeting, which will include announcements of the Women’s Caucus Prize in Feminist Philosophy and a discussion of the role of the Women’s Caucus in broader efforts toward diversity and inclusivity in the PSA.

This meeting will follow immediately after the Women’s Caucus Prize Symposium, "Climate Science and Public Interests: Social Values and Climate Change,” and we hope you will join us for both of these special events.

Lunch will be provided for all who registered in advance. Those who did not pre-register are encouraged to join for business meeting, which will begin promptly at 12:10.

Even if you cannot make it to the meeting, please join us for an informal social hour from 5–6 p.m. on Saturday in the Starbucks at the Sheraton Hotel to say hello, share your thoughts on the future of the Caucus, and meet other women philosophers of science.

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