PSA2018 PhilSci Archive Preprint Volume

All PSA2018 participants are encouraged to post preprints of their papers on PhilSci-Archive, under the designated PSA2018 conference heading [“[2018] PSA 2018: The 26th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association (Seattle, WA; 1-4 November 2018)”]. This will allow your audience to take a look before and after the conference. You are also welcome to post and/or update your manuscript after the conference. The instructions on how to post are here:


You can always come back and post a revised version or an official link to the final publication. You can do this by logging into PhilSci-Archive, clicking the link next to your preprint, selecting the "Actions" tab, and then choosing "New Version". Once submitted, papers from all the conference participants will be available for your perusal via a dedicated PSA2018 link on the conference page, here:

Please note that as a manuscript preprint server, PhilSci-Archive can only accept preprints of manuscripts, and not slides or abstracts.

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