Sponsorship Opportunities

The Twenty-Sixth Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association will take place November 1-4, 2018, at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel in Downtown Seattle. This will be the 50th Anniversary of the first Biennial Meeting of the PSA. We will meet jointly with the History of Science Society. This will also be our largest meeting ever. We expect close to 1,500 PSA and HSS delegates to attend from around the world (nearly one third of our members live outside the U.S), representing all levels of higher education institutions, as well as government offices, private corporations, museums, research centers, and many other organizations devoted to research and education.

The list below outlines sponsorship opportunities. If you find that you cannot make up your mind, multiple sponsorships are perfectly acceptable. We will acknowledge your gift in the meeting program, on the PSA web site, and in the meeting app. We will also produce signage for the event that recognizes your assistance for the conference. Attendees will be well aware of and appreciate your support long after the meeting has concluded. This is a great way to promote your department, center, university, organization, company, or titles. The PSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Questions? Contact Dr. Jessica Pfeifer, PSA Executive Director, at psa@umbc.edu or call 410-455-2014.


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 Sponsorship Opportunities:

Onsite Childcare Services ($500 and up) – The PSA will be offering onsite childcare services to help those with children more easily attend the conference.

PSA Women's Caucus Lunch ($500 and up) – The lunch is open to all attendees and is organized by the PSA Women's Caucus. The PSA Women's Caucus hosted its first breakfast in 2004, and the Caucus has since grown to become an important part of PSA.

PSA Opening Reception ($1,000 and up) – Will be held on Thursday, November 1, in the early evening. This reception provides attendees an opportunity to connect with colleagues.

Coffee Breaks ($500 and up) – These morning and afternoon breaks, in the exhibit area and near session rooms, provide delegates a chance to chat with colleagues, browse the books, and enjoy a relaxed time between sessions. 

PSA Closing Reception ($1000 and up) – Held on Saturday evening following the PSA Awards Ceremony and PSA Presidential Address.

NEW FOR PSA2018:  PSA President’s Plenary Symposium ($500 and up) - The plenary session will be held on Thursday from 4:00-5:45, followed by the opening reception. The topic is Shedding Light on Dark Matter: Concepts and Challenges from the Frontiers of Astrophysics.  Barry Madore (Carnegie Observatories) and Sibylle Andrl (Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique ) will be the speakers. Sandra D. Mitchell (University of Pittsburgh), Chris Smeenk (Western University), and James Owen Weatherall (UC Irvine) will moderate. Partially funded.

NEW FOR PSA2018:  PSA Post-Meeting Workshop on Pitching and Writing Philosophical OpEds ($500 and up) - There will be a three-hour workshop will take participants through the complete process of OpEd writing — from conception, to pitch, to writing the initial draft, and to effectively working with an editor. The workshop will be led by David Johnson, award winning journalist and editor, and Philosophy Ph.D. Your support will help to subsidize graduate students interested in attending.

PSA Public Forum – this will be held at the Seattle Public Library on Thursday, 7:30-9:00.  The topic this year is: For the Public Good? Values and Accountability in AI and Data Science. The speakers will be Heather Douglas (Michigan State University), Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter) and Eric Horvitz (Director of Microsoft Research Labs). David Danks (Carnegie Mellon University) will moderate. Funding opportunities no longer available.

PSA Graduate, Early Career, and New Attendee Reception – This is held on the first evening of the meeting to provide newcomers to the PSA an opportunity to network with each other and with the officers and governing board of the PSA. Funding opportunities no longer available.

PSA Poster Forum – This will be held on Friday, November 2 at PSASeattle 2018.  Our first Poster Forum at PSA2016 in Atlanat was extraordinarily successful, and we have good reason to believe that the success will be repeated. Funding opportunities no longer available.


Sponsorship Levels and Benefits:

Bronze ($500 to $999) – acknowledgement in the PSA Program, on the PSA Web site, on the meeting app, and signage at the event sponsored.

Silver ($1,000 to $1,499) – complimentary registration for one, acknowledgement in the PSA program, on the meeting app, the PSA Website, and signage at the event sponsored.

Gold ($1,500 to $2,499) – complimentary registration for two, acknowledgement in the PSA program, the meeting app, the PSA Website, and signage at the event sponsored.

Platinum ($2,500 to $3,999) – complimentary registration for two, acknowledgement in the PSA program, the meeting app, the PSA Web site, signage at the event sponsored, and delegate packet insert.

Diamond ($4000 and up) – complimentary registration for two, acknowledgement in the PSA program, the meeting app, the PSA web site, signage at the event sponsored, delegate packet insert, and half column ad in PSA Conference Newsletters.


Deadlines for various Benefits:

Deadline for Conference Newsletter:

     July Issue: 15 June 2018
     October Issue: 1 September 2018

Deadline to appear on the print program: 5 October 2018
Deadline to appear on the website and meeting app: 15 October 2018
Deadline for delegate packet inserts: 25 October 2018

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