PSA Travel Grants

NSF and PSA Travel Grants

Deadline for Applications: 25 August 2018 (11:59 pm EDT)


The PSA is pleased to announce the availability of travel grants to offset the cost of attending PSA2018. Explanation of the travel grants and eligibility requirements are below.


NSF Travel Grant Eligibility: 

  • You must be participating in and register for PSA2018 (e.g., presenting a paper or poster, chairing a panel, or engaging in committee work).
  • You must be a graduate student, independent scholar, or a recent PhD graduate (graduated within the last five years). Retirees without research funds are considered independent scholars.
  • You must be either a U.S. citizen or affiliated with a U.S. institution.
  • These grants can only be used to cover travel costs to and from the meeting and registration. Hotel and food are not covered.
  • In general, only airfare from US-flag carriers is covered by this grant.
  • Please also note that membership can affect the amount of the award. PSA membership for students and retirees is only $25. Click here to join. Click here to check your membership status.

    NSF Travel Grant Application Now Closed


PSA Travel Grant Eligibility:

  • You must be participating in and register for PSA2018 (e.g., presenting a paper or poster, chairing a panel, or engaging in committee work).
  • You must be a graduate student or a recent PhD graduate (graduated within the last five years).
  • These grants can only be used to cover travel costs to and from the meeting. Hotel and food are not covered.
  • You must be a member of the Philosophy of Science Association. Membership for students and retirees is only $25. Click here to join. Click here to check to make confirm your membership.
  • Those eligible for the NSF Travel Grant are NOT eligible for the PSA Travel Grant.

    PSA Travel Grant Application Now Closed


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